Sunday, July 22, 2012

Primark Shoplog

Because of the fact that I work at a clothing store and I get a 40% discount, I don't really go shopping that much anymore. I used to go all the time, but the financial aspect of a 40% discount is just too attractive to go and spend my money elsewhere. But, because sometimes I just want to buy a lot of items without spending a lot of money. It is just such a fun way of shopping! Primark is obviously the best way to go. Usually, I like a little more quality when it comes to clothing, but as long as you combine and style it the right way, it is the ideal place to go and have fun!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Herome Nail Project

One thing is a fact, I have terrible nails. They are chipped, torn and damaged. I'm not sure when this started and what caused it, but whatever I do and no matter how careful I try to be, they look awful all the time.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Early birthday gift no. 1

A few days ago I got my first early birthday gift! And I have fallen in love. my previous watch was very classic and a little boring to be honest. Silver, with a rectangular dial and greek signs for numbers. I think you can kind of picture what it looks like. It was a DKNY watch and I had worn it with love, but it was time for a different one. My boyfriend thought so, too. And that is when I got this watch, way before my actual birthday.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Turkey! (The country, not the bird)

As you probably already know, I love to travel! And it's such a shame that I don't get to do it a lot. I study, work, go out and try to have a little fun, together with paying the rent and other bills every single month. I don't have a lot of money to spare... But every year, every summer holiday, I HAVE to go somewhere. Somewhere where it is hot, where the people are happy and where you can lay on the beach, swim in the blue sea, get a tan and drink cocktails all day. I have done the cultural holiday more than once, and I kind of feel like doing a sun, sea and beach (zon, zee en strand) holiday. All of these things I am not able to find here in The Netherlands, obviously... Most terrible western country to live, in my opinion. A lot of you will probably disagree big time with me on this one, but believe me I can't be convinced. With almost 20 years of experience in this tiny, little country, I think I get a say.

Two of my favorite things

Red nailpolish & Eight Hour Creme is love


Monday, July 9, 2012

Places I want to visit

So, some time ago I signed up for Pinterest and it is addictive! It is so much fun, I can spend hours on it, going through all the amazing pictures, views and images. When singing up, I instantly created a board with the name "Places I'd Like to Go".