Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer hotness

I believe in miracles. Or at least, I will have to from now on, because the temperature here in the Netherlands has risen over 30 degree celsius. Tomorrow a temperature of 35 degrees is forecasted. 35! Degrees! I'm completely blown away, flabbergasted, so to speak. Today was about 32 degrees and I had to work all day... Fun! Anyways, I have 2,5 weeks off from work and tomorrow is beach day. I'm a little worried on wether it will even be bearable to lay in the sun, but I don't really care. Need. To. Enjoy. Sun.

And a sunny day requires sunny measures. What to bring to the beach to enjoy the perfect summer day? I, personally, don't need a whole lot. When I lived in Costa Rica, we had this weather every single day and we went to the beach every single day. By then, you don't really bother to bring anything special. A book, sun lotion and a towel is pretty much all you need. I don't go to the beach to flaunt and feel beautiful, I go to the beach because I looove the feel of the sun and the joyfulness of everything around me. Just relax and have fun. In contrast to a lot of other ladies, I kind of stuck to this habit. On the other hand, on a day to day basis, I carry a crazy amount of, sometimes unnecessary, stuff around in my bag which adds up to my beach bag content. There we go, in random order:

- Phone
- Deodorant
- Perfume
- Make-up removal towels
- Make-up
- Hand creme
- Iron supplements (mild anemia)
- Sunglasses
- A book
- Towel
- Underwear
- Sun lotion
- Hair clips
- Wallet
- The pill
- Lip balm

Andddd that's about it. Ok, it's kind of ridiculous when I look at the amount of stuff I carry around every single day, but because of the fact that I'm always on the move and never sure where I will spend the night (not in a slutty kind of way, but me and my boyfriend have a lot of places to choose from) I need everything with me all the time.

Hmm, I'm not really sure if this was interesting at all, but I'll post some pictures tomorrow, when there's day light, to make it a little bit more entertaining.


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