One of my favorite scents that I managed to use completely is Oh, Lola! by Marc Jacobs. I wore it with every occasion. The notes of this scent are wild strawberry, pear, raspberry, peony, sandalwood and vanilla. Fruity and flowery! I honestly love fruity and flowery scents, they're sweet, but not too sweet. For a while, Lola's 'niece', Daisy, had been on my wish list of scents to buy, when my boyfriend's grandmother came to bring me a gift for my birthday. I had lifted just one part of the packaging when I already knew what it was. The little white flowers around the edge kind of gave it away ;D.
I put it on and I loved it instantly. It's even better than Oh, Lola! for me because it is just a little different from other sweet scents. The notes of this award winning perfume are strawberry, violet leaves, violet petals, jasmine bouquet, musk and vanilla infusion. Though I don't particularly like musk as a scent an sich, I do really like it in this perfume. Together with the vanilla it leaves the perfect scent that complements me.

For a while now, I have been curious to why certain scents fit certain people better than others. Obviously, it depends on each person's personal body scent, but how does it work exactly? My boyfriend told me about a man, who is around 60, and who delivers products at the kitchen he works in. Every time this man walks in, everybody is curious to why he smells so good. So, my boyfriend decided to ask him and the man told him that he had used many scents over the years and that one of those, appeared to fit him incredibly well. I want that! Though I feel that Daisy works for me really well, I don't think I'm there yet, completely! I'm going to do some research and come back to you with an article about this.
Anyways, I love it and this is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten without actually asking for it, if you know what I mean :).
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