When, after a year of traveling after high school, I came back to The Netherlands I started to study International Communication and Media at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. I love it. Not the studying an sich, because honestly, I am not your typical college girl, I guess I am a little too down to earth for that. BUT, the study and the area of work that I will be able to operate in is lovely :). One of my great future wishes thus, is working in Public Relations. I have been busy gaining information about PR companies and possible job opportunities for when I finish college and it all appeals to me so much. I have been following a lot of (beauty)blogs lately, and I have been realizing that PR companies have such a big influence on the new media content nowadays. It is amazing. And for me to be able to have even the slightest influence on what media content people consume, would be incredibly fun.
On my list to read are definitely the books by Kelly Cutrone: If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You and Normal Gets You Nowhere. People's Revolution is one of the biggest PR companies in the world and I have read that her books are full of great advice for young women striving for success. I cannot with 100% honesty say that I am that driven to have a career, but when striving for more, one gets what one wants. And I just completely made up my own saying! Haha.

My plan for now is to make sure that I finish this first year and to get to my P(ropedeuse). After that, I will try and land a summer internship with a big PR firm for next summer. This, because of the fact that in my third year, I will have to be an intern anyhow and it would be nice to have some experience, so that I will be able to get a really good internship during the school year itself. Ahhhh I am so excited, cannot wait! I know that it is a very tough business to be acknowledged in and I do know that the possibility exists that I will not be able to reach anything at all. But I do believe that with a lot of commitment and discipline, I will at least get somewhere.
It is going to be FUN.
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